Road To Shine is a human-centered innovation program for India’s young engineers who want to drive innovation and shape the future. This program is co-hosted by Hiroshima Prefecture Japan and T-Hub which leads India’s pioneering innovation ecosystem. In this program, your passion, vision, and ideas are the key. You will compete using your ideas that better our society with technology. Winners will get an opportunity to go to Japan and collaborate with Hiroshima industry leaders.

Learn How To Innovate
Envision the Future
Deliver True Social Impact

You will get the opportunity to:

Join us to foresee the future and drive innovation!


The Future City
You Want to Create

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted society, revealing social issues and weaknesses. Yet, this is also an opportunity to re-think and re-shape society in ways we have never imagined before. What kind of future city do you want to create? Why is this valuable to you and to society? How will you intervene to shape this future?


Innovation comes from understanding the why, who, how of ideas and what kind of value they bring to society. To drive innovation from this wide perspective, You will go through these four steps:


Reflect on your daily life and society



Envision and define your “Future City You Want To Create”



Collect insight to explore how to make your vision into a reality



Ideate products or services that bring value to society



Selections will be based on assignments that are given in each webinar and workshop. Selected participants will qualify to advance to the following steps.
Innovation Idea Competition in Hyderabad
Collaborative Innovation Challenge in Hiroshima

Why Japan? Why Hiroshima?

With many leading technology companies, Japan is known to deliver high-quality, reliable, user-centered products that improve people’s everyday lives. In particular, Hiroshima, located in West Japan, rose from the ashes post World War 2 by embracing creativity and innovative ideas to develop meaningful products and services. From automobile, food, healthcare, and more, the city’s strong manufacturing and service industries offer countless insights for innovation.


If the main applicant wishes to participate as a team, s/he can recruit upto two other members. These members do not have to have any computer science or engineering background.

A unique program for you to become an innovator for the future!

To apply, you must first attend a mandatory introduction webinar that takes place on October 17, 12pm (IST).
Please fill in the Zoom registration form to confirm your attendance.


The selection will be based on worksheets assigned for each of the four steps. Evaluation criteria is provided. Please check the syllabus for details.

The main applicant should take part in all online workshops and events scheduled. After the first selection, individual mentoring will be offered. You are encouraged to actively commit to these as well.

No. You do not have to pay anything to register and participate.

Most events for the competition will be held online. However, the final presentation will be held in-person at T-hub. Please note that this may change due to the COVID-19 situation.

Developers and participants will have all rights and ownership over the IP of their ideas.

Main applicant should have a passport that is valid for at least one year.

Please note that the details of the workshop in Hiroshima may change according to the COVID-19 situation.
