Build 3.0

Boeing University Innovation Leadership Program


Build 4.0

Boeing is committed to investing in the future of innovation by contributing to the robust startup ecosystem in India through collaborations and partnerships. With Boeing University Innovation Leadership Development (BUILD), Boeing works with the entire spectrum of the student-to-start-up community to help young minds of today to develop breakthrough ideas in India, for India, and for the world.

For BUILD 2024, Boeing India is partnering with T-Hub to engage with innovators, such as you, to offer the necessary knowledge and expertise, helping refine and shape your ideas and pitches into products.

The BUILD program is open for students who are either graduating or would have graduated in 2024. Early startup entrepreneurs at the pre-seed idea/conceptualization stage with no funding are invited to apply too.

Boeing and its partners bring you an opportunity to

Learn in a structured environment

Receive coaching by incubators get exposed to the ecosystem

Practice building ideas into business propositions

Use industry-proven tools
Practice essential skills

Share what you learn

Network with your peers & ecosystem Interact with entrepreneurship experts

Compete with your peers for a chance to travel to a Boeing office, present to an eminent jury, and win ₹10 lakh as grant!

Do you have a cool idea?

Do you want to check if it has business potential and develop your investor pitch? Is your idea related to one of these themes?




Do you have a cool idea?

Do you have a cool idea, want to check if it has business potential and develop your investor pitch? Is your idea related to one of these themes?

Aerospace & Defense
Technology Startup
Social Impact
If you have a start-up that is in the early stages (pre-seed / pre- revenue) and a recently graduated
engineering student you can apply for the BUILD program.

Industry 4.0 Technology

Enterprise Digital Solutions


Data Analytics / AI

What is stopping you?

If you have a startup that is in ideation stage (no funding or customers) or a recently graduated engineering student you can apply for the BUILD program.

Program Timeline

Sept-Oct 2023
Submit Applications
Nov 2023
Top team selection
Dec 2023
Build Bootcamp &
Regional Pitch Competition
Jan 2024
Boeing Immersion &
BUILD Finals
Boeing Immersion


If you are a student graduating this year, choose the region in which your college is located. If your team has a group of graduating students from more than one college in more than a region, please choose a region where most of your team attends college

If you are a start-up, choose the region where you live and work.

Yes! We encourage you to apply. Applying is simple and we are looking for teams that are passionate about solving real-life problems. Problems that can be solved in innovative ways that may be related to one of our themes.

We are interested in two things – What problem are you trying
to solve and how? Why should we work with your team?
Since we will process a large number of applications, here are some tips
to make your application stand out:

  • Respect the word limit for the application.
  • Be clear and concise.
  • Avoid the marketing speak, instead sell how well you understand the problem.
  • Tell us why you picked this problem, what needs to be done to solve the problem, and how your team members stand out.
  • Tell us what motivates you to solve the problem.

Don’t worry about how unique your idea is – we are interested more in
your approach to solving a problem and are open to working with teams
who are trying to solve the same problem or develop the same idea.

Sure. Links to videos or demo websites that substantiate your application/entry are permitted. However, links that are added just to fill more space and have no correlation with the application will not be counted
No. Application is free of cost and no fees will be charged for the BUILD coursework. We will arrange for limited travel for teams selected for the workshop but you may have to pay for day-to-day expenses.
We are looking to work with pre-seed / early-stage startups to develop their business skills. Typically, such startups are in the conceptual stage and have no funding, no revenue, no Minimum Viable Product (or only the outlines of one), and limited customer validation.
If your team is selected, we offer learning opportunities and a chance to connect with experienced professionals in the Indian entrepreneurial ecosystem. We will provide you with learning resources to help you refine your business proposition and sharpen your investor pitches. We offer a chance for you to compete with your peers. ​ We don’t offer a guaranteed number of winners nationally and we don’t offer any funding. However, if your team is good enough, you will have a chance to win INR 10,00,000 in prize money that you are free to use as your team decides.

The boot camp will be scheduled for a duration of 3-4 days (exact details may vary by region). You are expected to attend the full duration of the boot camp in person. At the end of the boot camp, you will be invited to deliver your pitch to a jury in a process that may require a full day on campus.

If selected, some teams will travel to Bangalore for 1-2 days to participate in the Boeing Innovation Day for the final pitch competition at the Boeing campus in Bangalore. ​The teams are expected to take complete ownership in refining their pitches in time to compete effectively.

No. We are looking to work with you, and the team, and not on the idea itself. Submitting more than one application is counterproductive.
No – BUILD is not associated with recruitment at Boeing or at any of our partners. However, BUILD offers you a chance to build your network and showcase your and your team’s passion, enthusiasm, and business acumen.
Some of the dates will be specified as we get closer to the milestones. Refer to the timeline for the latest information.
Of course! We are looking to work with a diverse range of teams. But we do look for how well your team’s qualifications fit your idea.

Apply Now

Past Success with BUILD 3.0

Riding   on the  success    of the  past editions,    the     Boeing   University Innovation   Leadership      Development Program   (BUILD)  in  its third edition attracted a record    number of  entries with  than   1200  ideas   submitted  by more   than 2200   students and start-up participants   from    all   over    the country.  Following    a    stringent   evaluation process, 75 shortlisted   teams  entered the   regional   boot  camp,   of  which regional and national finalists received guidance   from     start-up   ecosystem experts,    incubator     partners,  and Boeing  engineers to   incubate   ideas. Participants  further   received  access to   Boeing’s     innovation  ecosystem.

The seven winning teams are Abyom SpaceTech and Defence Pvt. Ltd.
and Green Aero Propulsion Pvt. Ltd. from Foundation for Innovation and
Technology Transfer (FIIT) – IIT Delhi, Glovatrix Pvt. Ltd. from Society
for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SINE) – IIT Mumbai, dVerse
Technologies Pvt. Ltd. from IIT Madras Incubation Cell, Backyard
Creators Pvt. Ltd., BONV Technology Private Limited and Coratia
Technologies Pvt. Ltd. from Technology Business Incubator (TBI) – KIIT,

Each of these seven teams received INR 10 lakh as a financial grant,
and their ideas covered solutions for community development, the
defence and space industry, and sustainability.

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